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Interior Decorating and Design

Interior Design has been a passion of mine since grade school.  I have always enjoyed flipping through the most recent issue of Home and Garden Magazine or find myself binge watching HGTV's plethora of remodeling and redecorating shows.  Now, that I have a home of my own, I enjoy finding new ways of refinishing furniture at a fraction of the cost of the Name Brand Stores.  In my spare time, I frequent the local antique and thrift shops for the best deals and steals for remaking and re-thinking items for everyday use.  What was once just something fun to do on a Saturday has turned into more than just a hobby, an actual (dare I say it) business.  

I am currently working on my third client now and I hope to have some good before and after pictures for you soon.  Some items will be purchased décor used as design elements in her new home, others will be handmade, while others will be refurbished and brought back to life in a style ​requested to fit the personality of the homeowner.  I am hoping you will appreciate my taste for design and maybe some of my ideas will spark an interest in you as well.  If you see something you like, or maybe you have need of an interior decorator, click above on the contact page to send me your information so I can get started on something wonderful for you!

What customers are saying

I can’t wait to see this in my home! You are so talented and I am so thankful for you! You are incredibly talented and I can’t wait to see what my home looks like when you are done decorating it!

Patty - NC

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